Nov 2023

Welcome to November, one of my favorite months. It includes Thanksgiving, has excellent weather when much of the country is getting cold, great meaningful college football games, and the start of ACBL’s Fall Nationals, which are being held in Atlanta this year.

Oct 2023

The reports on our July Long Beach Regional are essentially in. Our tournament
manager, Peter Benjamin, and treasurer, Stan Holzberg, have worked hard to resolve issues with the Long Beach Hilton from the July Regional. Thank you,gentlemen!

Sep 2023

The reports on our July Long Beach Regional are beginning to come in. Our
tournament manager, Peter Benjamin, and treasurer, Stan Holzberg, have been valiantly dealing with issues with the
Hilton Hotel. We are trying to schedule a meeting to settle the account next week. I’ll report more on this when I have the details.

Aug 2023

I will keep my first
president’s report short. I will deal with goals and other items more fully in the coming months. I want to thank Bob Shore for four years of great service. Bob was elected to two terms of two years each. He presided over several
rough years, including the beginning of the pandemic.
I was elected as the new president. Morris (Mojo) Jones is the new vice-president. Lillian Slater is continuing as secretary. Stan Holzberg was reelected as treasurer.

Jul 2023

As some readers of this
column will know, there was a controversy involving the selection of our Grand National Teams Championship Flight team. In the interest of full transparency, I’ll explain what happened from my perspective. But before I dive into the nuts and bolts, I need to say a couple of thank yous. First, I want to thank our GNT Coordinator, Jeff Grotenhuis, who handled a challenging situation impartially and with fairness.

Jun 2023

The good news is that our
GNT Coordinator, Jeff Grotenhuis, has done such a good job recruiting participants in the District Grand National Teams event that attendance is far exceeding expectations.

May 2023

Just as we were about to go
to press, we learned the sad news
that Grand Life Master Ed Davis has lost his battle with cancer. Elsewhere in these pages you will find a tribute to Ed’s life, penned by his friend and partner Jill Meyers. We had already scheduled Sunday, July 9, to be Ed Davis Day at Bridge Week.

Apr 2023

ACBL has again revised its
COVID policy. This one is simple.
Sponsoring organizations get to
make their own decisions. That means ACBL will no longer require us to check for our players’ vaccination status. It’s our decision whether to continue to do so.

Mar 2023

We needed to reschedule
Grand National Teams. We had originally hoped to hold the event in April. However, given the District’s current financial condition it was imperative that we use a director based locally, to avoid having to pay travel and hotel costs.

Feb 2023

The decision is made!
Bridge Week will happen on
schedule. An anonymous patron stepped forward to make a very generous contribution to ensure that Bridge Week will occur.